Welcome to the Transportation Department
The goal of the Transportation Department is to support the educational process by providing safe, dependable and efficient student transportation to and from school and school related activities.
Key areas in the Transportation Department are:
Training and Safety
Routing and Scheduling
School Bus Operations
School Bus Maintenance
Safety is a high priority and it takes a group effort. Drivers, students, parents, teachers and school administrators are all assigned that responsibility. The Long County School System has highly trained and certified school bus drivers committed to the safe transportation of your child(ren). Our Team will assist your bus rider(s) in learning acceptable behavior to safely travel on our school buses. We sincerely invite you, as parents, to become a member of our team.
Parents can:
Ensure your child knows their bus number before they leave home on their first day of school. It will take the driver time to learn each child's name and where their stop will be. We want to make sure your child does not get on/off at an incorrect bus stop. Fill out and return a Rider Information Sheet to the bus driver at the beginning of school.
Ensure your child is at the bus stop at least five(5) minutes earlier than the scheduled pick-up time. Pick-up times are approximated and unknown circumstances have guaranteed that at times a bus will run earlier or later to the stop than expected. Parents are responsible for the supervision of their child(ren) at the bus stop. The school's responsibility begins when students board the bus. For information on an approximate pick-up time, call the Transportation Department at (912) 545-2350.
Ensure young children have someone to come home to in the afternoon. Departure time from the school is at 3:10 p.m. Your child will arrive at home sometime within 45 minutes. Parents should be at the bus stop to receive their young child as they get off the bus in the afternoon.
Ensure your child knows the School Bus Safety Guidelines listed below. Bus riding is a service that our school system provides for you and a privilege for your child(ren). Student misbehavior causing driver distraction jeopardizes the safety of all students on the bus. Students are required to follow the driver’s directions and district safety rules to ensure a safe ride. Students that do not follow the driver’s directions or misbehave can and will have consequences that includes bus suspension (see "Ride Guide Consequences in Student Handbook").
Students must arrive at bus stop 5 minutes before scheduled time.
Students must enter and leave the bus at assigned school loading zones and bus stops in an orderly fashion and in accordance with the Bus Guidelines for Waiting, Loading, Riding, and Unloading.
Students must remain quiet enough not to distract the driver. Radios, disc players, MP3s, or cell phones are NOT ALLOWED.
Student must remain seated while the bus is in motion.
Students must occupy the seat to which they are assigned. All students will have assigned seats.
Students are to be seated with feet on the floor and book bag in their lap. Students must keep hands and feet to themselves.
Students must not throw objects in the bus nor out the window.
Students must not extend arms, head, or other parts of the body out the windows.
Students must not destroy school property.
Students must remain absolutely quiet at railroad grade crossings.
Students must not eat or drink on the bus for their safety and the safety of other students.
Student must not use or possess tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or weapons.
Students must not use obscene language or gestures.
Students must follow all instructions given by driver.
Students disciplinary action will follow the guidelines in the student handbook and the Georgia Official Code of Law* and will be implemented by the administrator at your child's school.